Magic the Gathering Singles

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Name Setsort descending Cost Type Rarity Condition Color Price Stock Add
(Borderless) Goryo's Vengeance Duskmourn Commander 1B Instant - Arcane Mythic Rare NM/M Black $1,000.00 0
(Borderless) Doomsday Excruciator Duskmourn BBBBBB Creature - Demon Rare NM/M Black $2.49 0
Blazemire Verge Duskmourn Land Rare NM/M Colourless $11.99 10
Enduring Vitality Duskmourn 1GG Enchantment Creature - Elk Glimmer Rare NM/M Green $15.99 8
Fanatic of the Harrowing Duskmourn 3B Creature - Human Cleric Common NM/M Black $0.25 6
Hardened Escort Duskmourn 2W Creature - Human Soldier Common NM/M White $0.25 6
(Showcase) Rip, Spawn Hunter Duskmourn 2GW Legendary Creature - Human Survivor Rare NM/M Multicoloured $1.00 0
(Full Art) Plains Duskmourn Basic Land - Plains Common NM/M Colourless $1.49 0
Omnivorous Flytrap Duskmourn 2G Creature - Plant Rare NM/M Green $1.00 11
Osseous Sticktwister Duskmourn 1B Artifact Creature - Scarecrow Uncommon NM/M Black $0.35 9
Split Up Duskmourn 1WW Sorcery Rare NM/M White $9.99 0
(Extended Art) Enduring Courage Duskmourn 2RR Enchantment Creature - Dog Glimmer Rare NM/M Red $4.99 0
The Rollercrusher Ride #298 Duskmourn X2R Legendary Enchantment Mythic Rare NM/M Red $1.99 1
Arabella, Abandoned Doll Duskmourn RW Legendary Artifact Creature - Toy Uncommon NM/M Multicoloured $1.49 11
Chainsaw Duskmourn 1R Artifact - Equipment Rare NM/M Red $1.49 13
Daggermaw Megalodon Duskmourn 4UU Creature - Shark Common NM/M Blue $0.25 6
(Showcase Foil) Enduring Vitality Duskmourn 1GG Enchantment Creature - Elk Glimmer Mythic Rare NM/M Green $1,000.00 0
(Showcase) Chainsaw Duskmourn 1R Artifact - Equipment Rare NM/M Red $1.49 0
Niko, Light of Hope Duskmourn 2WU Legendary Creature - Human Wizard Mythic Rare NM/M Multicoloured $1.49 9
Most Valuable Slayer Duskmourn 3R Creature - Human Warrior Common NM/M Red $0.25 4
Marina Vendrell's Grimoire Duskmourn 5U Legendary Artifact Rare NM/M Blue $0.50 14
(Showcase Textured Foil) Niko, Light of Hope Duskmourn 2WU Legendary Creature - Human Wizard Mythic Rare NM/M Multicoloured $1,000.00 0
(Borderless) Floodfarm Verge Duskmourn Land Rare NM/M Colourless $17.99 0
Winter, Misanthropic Guide Duskmourn 1BRG Legendary Creature - Human Warlock Rare NM/M Multicoloured $0.50 15
Turn Inside Out Duskmourn R Instant Common NM/M Red $0.25 4
Unnerving Grasp Duskmourn 2U Sorcery Uncommon NM/M Blue $0.35 6
Acrobatic Cheerleader Duskmourn 1W Creature - Human Survivor Common NM/M White $0.25 4
(Borderless) Razorkin Needlehead Duskmourn RR Creature - Human Assassin Rare NM/M Red $9.99 0
Bleeding Woods Duskmourn Land Common NM/M Colourless $0.50 4
Fear of Exposure Duskmourn 2G Enchantment Creature - Nightmare Uncommon NM/M Green $0.35 5
