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Name Set Costsort descending Type Rarity Condition Color Price Stock Add
Arcane Sanctum Shards of Alara Land Uncommon SP Colourless $1.49 0
Bant Panorama Shards of Alara Land Common SP Colourless $1.49 10
Crumbling Necropolis Shards of Alara Land Uncommon SP Colourless $1.49 11
Esper Panorama Shards of Alara Land Common SP Colourless $1.49 12
Grixis Panorama Shards of Alara Land Common SP Colourless $1.49 4
Jund Panorama Shards of Alara Land Common SP Colourless $1.49 0
Jungle Shrine Shards of Alara Land Uncommon SP Colourless $1.49 8
Naya Panorama Shards of Alara Land Common SP Colourless $1.00 4
Savage Lands Shards of Alara Land Uncommon SP Colourless $2.49 6
Seaside Citadel Shards of Alara Land Uncommon SP Colourless $1.49 0
Adarkar Wastes 6th Edition Land Rare SP Colourless $11.99 0
City of Brass 6th Edition Land Rare SP Colourless $24.99 2
Crystal Vein 6th Edition Land Uncommon SP Colourless $9.99 0
Dwarven Ruins 6th Edition Land Uncommon SP Colourless $0.99 0
Ebon Stronghold 6th Edition Land Uncommon SP Colourless $0.49 0
Havenwood Battleground 6th Edition Land Uncommon SP Colourless $0.49 0
Ruins of Trokair 6th Edition Land Uncommon SP Colourless $0.49 5
Sulfurous Springs 6th Edition Land Rare SP Colourless $7.99 0
Svyelunite Temple 6th Edition Land Uncommon SP Colourless $0.49 0
Underground River 6th Edition Land Rare SP Colourless $7.99 0
Volrath's Stronghold Stronghold Legendary Land Rare SP Colourless $119.99 0
Ancient Tomb Tempest Land Uncommon SP Colourless $149.99 0
Caldera Lake Tempest Land Rare SP Colourless $2.99 9
Cinder Marsh Tempest Land Uncommon SP Colourless $0.50 0
Ghost Town Tempest Land Uncommon SP Colourless $5.99 0
Maze of Shadows Tempest Land Uncommon SP Colourless $0.50 4
Mogg Hollows Tempest Land Uncommon SP Colourless $0.50 0
Pine Barrens Tempest Land Rare SP Colourless $2.99 11
Reflecting Pool Tempest Land Rare SP Colourless $24.99 0
Rootwater Depths Tempest Land Uncommon SP Colourless $0.50 0
